The CONservative Tribe
We live in a poitical world, where some people are called "conservatives" and others "liberals" and still others by different names. Historically, republicans have been characterized as being "conservative"; since WISDOM is not concerned with political parties (e.g. Republicans vs Democrats) but with philosophy, the name "CONservative" was chosen for this tribe.
Since the republicans are symbolized by the color red, and since most republicans are conseervative, the color RED was chosen for this tribe. NOTE: the title of this page -- The CONservative Tribe -- appears in the tribal color.
For those of you into graphics, the tribal color is255, 0, 0 (or FF0000) in RGB, or0, 255, 255, 0 (or 00FFFF00) in CMYK.
Generally speaking, conservatives believe that government should be as limited as possible, since people can run society better than the government.
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